Cindy Mason, Ph.D.

Most Recent Position: Asst. Chair Philosophy and Technology, U.C. Berkeley, EECS Dept., BISC

Employment History
U.C. Berkeley, EECS Dept. (with joint work at Berkeley Primary Care Hospital)
Stanford University, CS Dept. (with joint work at Stanford and Lucille Packard Hospital)
NASA Ames, AI Research Group/Intelligent Mechanisms Lab (with joint work at Stanford School of Medicine)

Other Positions:
Visiting Scientist, AI Research Center, SRI International
Guest Lecturer, MIT Media Lab
Human and Behavioral Research Investigator, MIT
Knightsbridge Castle, CTO

Committees (Current)
AAAI-22 Workshop Chair - Diversity and Inclusion Tract 2022
IEEE 7004 - Data Privacy for Children
IEEE 7007 - Human-Robot Interaction
IUI-2022 Intelligent User Interface Program Committee

Committees of Note (Past)

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Future of AI/ Diversity in AI
White House Special Task Force on Campus Sexual Assault
Intelligent User Interfaces 2020
Stanford-China Seminar on Preventive Health
The Nature of Humans and Machines - AAAI 2014 Fall Symposium

Selected Lectures/Slide Decks
Radio AI dot Net Lecture Series (20-21) Data and Design Patterns from 16 AI/Environment Systems, SRI Intl.AI Center - 2020
Robot Priest: Trust and Human Sciences, AAAI-16 Stanford Spring Symposium on Ethical and Moral Considerations for Non-Human Agents
Science of Happiness Inspires New Paradigms in Computing and Health, AAAI-16 Well-Being Computing: AI Meets Health and Happiness Science
Giving Robots Compassion, AAAI-16, Conference on Science and Compassion-13
Emotion Filters for the Web - A Case of Tartarian Lamb, MIT Media Lab
Memes, Bemes and Emotionally Conscious Things, MIT Media Lab
The Case for Human Sciences in Technology Design, AAAI-14
Emotional Common Sense, MIT Media Lab
Happiness and Brain Plasticity, Kaiser Medical, Stroke Unit
Green Care - Future HealthCare Technologies, MIT
Global Medicine - Sustainable Medicine A Pre Paradigm Shift, Palo Alto Veterans Hospital


Artificial Intelligence and the Environment (Editor/Author) on Amazon
    -see: Robot Book Making Event, Harvard Book Store
New York Times Best Seller, How to Create A Mind (key researcher)
Artificial Compassion (Author, Work-in-Progress)

Current Project
Artificial Compassion Project
         -The Faces Of Compassion Project - Data of Compassion
         -Engineering Kindness: Building A Machine With Compassionate Intelligence
         -Human Level AI Requires Compassionate Intelligence
         -Giving Robots Compassion
         -The Case for Human Sciences in AI Technology Design

Recent Projects
Podcasts: - Public Literacy on AI By the People Who Do AI (2 Seasons)
Raspberry Pi projects: Building air pollution detector, using machine learning with time series data to detect anomalies
Robot Fashion Show - The Fourth Law of Robotics
Robot Priest - Appearance and Reality in AI

(from the book Artificial Intelligence and the Environment)

In the News
In Robots We Trust, ACM TiiS
Cultivating Kindness in the Age of Rage, Psychology Today
AI 5.0
Feedback: Does a robot in robes make a mechanical priest? | New Scientist

Computer History Museum - Oral Archive
Australian National Museum for Pioneering Women in the Outback
Key Researcher, New York Times BestSeller, "How To Create A Mind"

California State Education Licence, Adult Health Education 2005-2010 California Health Medical Reserve Corps. - Silicon Valley Futures Group, Co-Founder Berkeley Primary Care, Compassion Centered Patient Care Internship 2003 Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and Self-Help Instructor 2004 - Present California State Certification Oriental Medicine - Tua Na, Acupressure 2001 Chinese Medicine and Culture Continual Studies - Master Da Shi, Master Zi Shen Wang Green Care, Self Care Course Development with Cheryl Gasner, RNCFP, Earl Mason, MD Kurzweil Technology - China Meeting on Anti-Aging - Cultural Advisor
Ph.D. : University of California, inter-campus (Berkeley/Davis/LLNL)
Thesis Topic: Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Global Monitoring Network for Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Verification

National Research Council Fellowship
Stanford Medical Fellow in the Joint Computer Science-BioInformatics Program
American Association for Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Doctoral Research Award
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Doctoral Fellowship

Other Training/Certification
Psychophysiophilosophy Practitioner/Instructor
California State Education License (2005-2009)

My old Stanford Web Site

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