Bootstrap Example


Sorry the workshop is full.  250 people signed up so we could not include everyone we wanted.* Invited participants should have received an email with directions by now.   We apologize for the late notice, we only got the list of people this morning.

This workshop is a part of the diversity and inclusion track.  If that's what you are looking for, you're in the right place! email:        
on Twitter: @aaai22podsquad

For the Participants:
This workshop is about empowering you to to create your own podcasts.  We can amplify our voices and our work through podcasting. Creating a podcast gives you ways to express yourself that are different than writing a science paper.   Its also a good way to promote yourself and your work.  As part of the underrepresented in AI, we need our voices and our ideas to get louder.  And to be encouraging and supportive of one another as much as possible so we feel safe and included in our field.   In this workshop we will be learning some basics of podcasting, and creating a group that can share ideas. There are some technical aspects to making a podcast, and unless you are already a pro at this you'll find it easier to work with people to make them.    Workshop organizers are experienced making podcasts on the Mac (Cindy) and PC (Cristina, Elisa).  None of the workshop committee is experienced with podcast tools on Linix or the Pi (volunteers anyone?)    After the workshop, we will invite submissions of individual podcasts that will be reviewed for a special AAAI podcast collection.   You will retain rights to your podcast so you can also distribute it as you like.

Logistics of the Workshop

Welcome!  We are glad you are here!

The workshop takes place 10am - 1pm PST Friday February 25.
For privacy we are creating a zoom room for workshop participants.    When you receive the welcome e-mail, you will receive
-a URL
-some basic outline of what we will cover in the workshop
-a designated time 11am - 1pm PST. 
-when you first enter you will arrive in the waiting room
-you will be greeted by one of  us (Cristina, Cindy or Elisa)  and transferred to the room.   

After the workshop, every participant will receive a "podcast cheat sheet" with a set of helpful details on how to make your own podcast following the workshop. This will come in handy especially if you wish to submit your podcast for consideration as part of the D&I AAAI/IAAI-22 Podcast Collection.

After the workshop, if you are interested in creating a podcast for the AAAI-22 Special Podcast Collection, we will be sending out notices
about this.    If you did not attend the workshop but are interested in submitting a podcast for the collection we will review it as we do the
other podcasts.

Sample Podcasts

To hear some simple AI podcasts by other academics, try RADIO
    These podcasts are for educating the general public and high school or college students.

You can also hear a more interview or conversational NEWS-Y style about  AI at TALKING MACHINES



A discussion was started on about the challenges in doing multi-disciplinary research. Its called "You can't handle multi-disciplinary research." There is much in common with being an outsider in a new field and being the only black person, the only woman, etc. in a room. As an underrepresented you may relate to the conversation. There are currently 61 participants in that discussion. To join the discussion you may need to have an academia account.
Here is the white paper for the session:
Here is the academia session link:

About Us:

Chair: Cindy Mason is an independent AI researcher and has held positions at U.C. Berkeley, Stanford and NASA.  She has been  in the AI White House Special Task Force on Campus Sexual Assault  and in  the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Future of AI/ Diversity meetings.  She is (one of?) the first people to bring emotion to AI.   She created a computer science department in the Australian Outback.

Co-Chair: Cristina Puente is a full professor in the CS Dept. at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.  In addition to her teaching duties, Professor Puente heads up a number of diversity and inclusion efforts across multiple universities in Europe.  She is a modern inventor across many curious discipilnes including breeding tomatoes that will be drought proof.

Co-Chair: Elisa Gut has two Ph.Ds.  The first in law and the second in media.    She has a focus on detecting deep fakes and believes this is the most important topic facing us in our future.

Special Thanks

Many people have helped to create the success of this workshop.  In addition to the AAAI/IAAI-22 staff who are working under difficult circmustances, we would especially like to thank  Yetunde Folajimi, Kit Blanke, Henry Lieberman, Debra Wright,  and Tony Nolan.

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Page update: Feb 23, 2022. clm